During our first 10 years of marriage, Joel and I got by with one car. It was actually pretty great because it meant that we carpooled to work and spent more time together. (Sometimes I miss driving up Airport Road in the early mornings.) Then we moved Far Away from Joel's office. Far Away = up to two hours on the bus. Each way.
Enter car number two.
Having two cars made life much easier. No more buses. No more figuring out who needed the car when. No more bumming rides from friends when one person couldn't pick up the other. But, it also meant one more car payment. One more car to fill up with gas every week. One more excuse to not take the bus or walk or ride a bike. A few months ago we started talking about selling car number two. But, it was such a nice car and a great convenience to have at our disposal. So we stalled.
Moving to the island has been a great impetus for us to change our lifestyle. We walk to school and around town and Joel now bikes to work. I guess it helps that we live in a neighborhood where it's easy to do these things. I know people who would have a hard time getting by with just one car. But, we discovered we were barely driving one car, let alone two, so it was time for the sedan to go. Joel sold it this week. We feel a little bit richer (no more car payment), a little bit freer (one less "thing") and a little bit greener.