20 November 2008

photos, photos, photos

this is how zeke rolls

Zeke rolled over 4 times tonight - and he's only 3 weeks old! His big brother did everything early, culminating in walking at 9 months so we were hoping this one would take things a bit slower. Well, I guess we can still hold out hope that he'll be a little more even tempered.

18 November 2008

dance fever

Joel took Annie and Jonah to Annie's school dance last Friday night. Evidently, Annie spent the whole time dancing with her friends and chasing boys. Jonah wouldn't leave Joel's side and they danced the entire time. Meanwhile, Zeke and I had a very peaceful evening at home.

17 November 2008


08 November 2008


in a pumpkin.

We've had friends bringing us meals all week and this one was pretty cool. Not to mention really yummy. Beef stew cooked inside a pumpkin.

04 November 2008

countdown to 270

random pics

From the past week...

Saying goodbye to Grammy & Grampy.

We really need a bigger bed!

Just chillin'.

Story time.

Sleepy time.