20 November 2008

this is how zeke rolls

Zeke rolled over 4 times tonight - and he's only 3 weeks old! His big brother did everything early, culminating in walking at 9 months so we were hoping this one would take things a bit slower. Well, I guess we can still hold out hope that he'll be a little more even tempered.


Anonymous said...

Hi Zeke,

My goodness, can't believe that you rolled over already, you are only 3 weeks old!!! Strong boy!!! Wish we were there to hold you. You are sure looking like your big sister!!! Looks like you are a happy little man enjoying the love from big sister and big brother, Mommy & Daddy too. God Bless You!
Love, Grammy & Grampy

Casandra & Jed said...

Wow! Pretty amazing little guy! He is so adorable! I love the little baby noises! So cute!