1. He will use the potty 95% of the time if he doesn't have any diaper/underwear on. This usually involves him announcing, "I got to go pee-pee!" in his loudest voice, grabbing himself, then running to the bathroom. So, there is a lot of toddler nakedness in our house since he seems to do better this way.
2. Put some underpants on him and it's all over. We assume it's because it feels like he has a diaper on. If we are really diligent about making him go, he can stay dry, but he's having trouble with the pooping part. We currently have 12 pairs of underpants and have stocked up on pants because we're so tired of doing laundry.
3. Boxer briefs are really cute on little boys.
4. He likes to sit on the potty to pee but has some directional issues. Meaning, he usually pees all over his pants because he can't direct it down. We usually try to help him point himself in the right direction, but this will usually result in him yelling, "Don't touch my penis!" This is especially enjoyable when we are in a public restroom.
5. I just used the word penis.
6. Gum is a good motivator. OK. Bribe.
7. Potty training is much more work than just using diapers. Every outing needs to be planned carefully around his bathroom needs. Knowing what stores and parks have public restrooms is of the utmost importance.
On a side note, I found this plastic urinal on amazon and thought it was hilarious. I think Joel is secretly hoping I'll get it so he can use it too. Too bad for him, we're trying to rid ourselves of plastic.

I cannot honestly come up with a comment on this one Elizabeth - I hope Jonah won't know about this when he is grown up! Love, Mom
Lol, but it's here, on the internet, for everyone to see! Tee hee.
I hope you get these things sorted out soon.
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