18 June 2008

half way there...

The freaky floating alien baby on the side of our blog has officially passed the half way point.


Diane said...

Hey there you guys!

I have one of those baby countdown things on my blog too! Not the one with the floating baby and not because I'm expecting - it's for our second grandbaby! Jr is going to be a big brother in January and while we don't know the sex of the baby we do know that either way it will be Sammy!

I read your Blog often and only recently started one myself. Congrats on the new baby and also on the trip to Rome. It sounds exciting and scary at the same time!

Your kids are adorable, by the way and your life sounds full of fun. Bruce just feels bad that you still can't get the old maize and blue out of your system. It is way more popular to Go Green these days!

Bruce and Diane

holly cupala said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi little one, we are getting more and more excited as we count down the days til your arrival!!! We are praying for you every day and love you so very much. God is placing you with such loving parents and a terrific big sister and big brother! We can't wait to meet you!!! Love you, Grammy & Grampy