Up at 5:30.
Get ready.
Pack lunches.
7:05 ferry.
Meet Tony & Rachel for coffee.
Worship at 9:00.
Run to the car in the middle of service for a change of clothes for Jonah (who has directional issues on the potty).
Teach Sunday School at 10:45.
Drop Joel and kids off at bookstore to hang out.
Kids go crazy in the bookstore.
Go shopping for Annie's birthday presents and camping trip junk food.
Grocery shopping at an overcrowded Trader Joe's.
Run into Fred Meyer to find shirts for the kids to tye-dye at day camp tomorrow.
Quick nap in the car.
Dinner with friends.
9:45 ferry.
Put away groceries.
Catch up on the blog. Finally.
Midnight - really, really tired.