19 March 2009

i do not like green eggs and ham...

We were in full Irish mode for St. Patrick's Day since we both have relatives who hail from the Emerald Isle. (The story of Great-Grandpa Stewart is the most entertaining one - he actually managed to get kicked out of Ireland back at the turn of the 20th century!) I was thinking of my grandma (Anne Stewart, whom Annie is named after) who used to wear orange on this day to show her Irish protestant roots and to just be a little bit contrary.

Annie and Jonah both asked for green eggs and ham to celebrate so, being the kind mother I am, I indulged them only to be met with 15 minutes of complaining about how they didn't want to eat their breakfast. It wasn't until I threatened to never use food coloring in frosting again that they decided they were edible.

Now, who wouldn't want a green egg breakfast sandwich?

Since they ate their eggs, we had cake with green frosting (eaten on GG Anne's plates) after dinner.

No pinches for the baby.


Merrihew Few said...

Umm...I don't think I'd want to eat that breakfast sandwich after seeing it either! I'm sure it was tasty..but I'm siding with the kids on this one. Oh, and Zeke is stinking adorably cute! :)

Casandra & Jed said...

I cannot believe how incredibly cute Zeke is!!!!!!!! Very, very adorable! Way to be a cool mom and make green food for your kiddos!