15 October 2007

broken camera, broken voice

Our camera broke for the second time yesterday. Joel thinks it was because of how I was carrying it. I, of course, think he's crazy and that my back pocket is a perfectly acceptable place to carry a camera. We were playing at the park with Holly, Shiraz and Lyra and somewhere between climbing trees and walking back to their house for dinner it stopped working. Well, it didn't stop working so much as the lens got jammed in the open position and then stopped working. There's a camera repair shop on Dexter that I believe lives off of our business because we're so good at breaking cameras. Usually I manage to drop them, which is so obviously my fault, which is why I'm denying this one.

My voice is totally gone. It was gone on Saturday, came back for the day yesterday, but is now worse than ever. Joel is probably in heaven. "Finally, she shuts up!" he is probably thinking. Not so fast, though. If I can't nag in my big girl voice, I can nag in my whispering voice. (Actually, he's staying home today so I can rest. Proving again why his nickname is "Clark.")


Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better and that your voice is returning. With no voice, does that mean that the kids get to do whatever they want because Mommy can't tell them not to?! What fun. Your nickname for Joel is perfect, what a guy! Hope the rest helped. I have never lost my voice and can't imagine how annoying that would be! Love you all, Mom

holly cupala said...

It was SO FUN to have the island four to our house! We love you guys.

Merrihew Few said...

First thought "AGAIN??" :)

Anonymous said...

Good post.