Remember school picture days? Trying to find the perfect outfit and the admonishments from your mom not to run around and mess up your hair before picture time? Did anyone else do those shadow portraits? You know, the smiling picture in the foreground, then the more serious profile shot lurking in the background? I had one of those done in 7th grade when my hair was permed. Aaack.
I should find my kindergarten picture. And Joel's. I think I had on a blue jumper and side pony tails that had been curled, but one side was falling out. I wonder if my mom still has all my class pictures. Alturas Elementary, back in the day. I probably wouldn't know who anyone is, except for Benjamin, Julie and Kenny.
Oh, and here's my random observation about school. It has the same smell! You know that elementary school smell? Some sort of combination of glue, paint and cleaning products. I didn't even realize it was so familiar until the first day I walked into Annie's classroom. It's actually a comforting sort of a smell. Not one that I'd like made in to a candle or anything, but just one that brings back lots of memories of jump roping, timed math worksheets, Mrs. Carstens, walking across the field to lunch, Ben Richert and Music Machine, and sprained ankles and wrists.
Very cute picture - especially for a school pic.
Why is it school pictures are usually horrid?
Ha - I'm sure your mom has all your class pictures and then some ;)
Daarling picture of Annie, how could it not be darling. Your K picture was you in a red dress given to you for your birthday by Kate and Jade Buer, You had short hair at the time. I think the one you spoke of is 1st grade,not sure. I can't find your class photos right now, were they in your baby book? I'll look more. Love Mom
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