07 November 2007

lying to...i mean talking with annie

Annie, crawling around the playroom, inspecting the wall:
"Mom! I think I found the crack where the Sugar Sprite comes in! We should leave our candy here next year."
Elizabeth, somewhat distracted:
"I guess you could. Leaving it outside your door seemed to work, though."
Annie, now very hopeful:
"Could we leave candy tonight?"
Elizabeth, weaving even more lies:
"No, sweetie. The Sugar Sprite only comes to look for candy on Halloween."

Only a few more weeks until the Santa deception starts. Oh, speaking of which, this is the conversation I overheard Annie and Jonah having the other day.

Annie, looking at an ad for a kids camera in a magazine:
"I want Santa to bring me a camera for Christmas. Jonah, do you want a camera too? Do you?"
Annie, still using her best baby talk voice:
"You could ask Santa for it. He would bring it to you. He really would."
Elizabeth, feeling the need to offer an opinion:
"Jonah wanted to ask Santa for a Leapster. Right Jonah?"
"Yes. Santa bring me Leapster."
Annie, to Jonah:
"You could ask him for both. Santa would do that. Santa can bring you both things."

I skipped the lecture about Santa and his budgetary considerations, what with having to deliver toys to so many boys and girls and all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are in so much trouble girl! I hope Santa delivers for all of you:)