20 December 2007

christmas brunch

Our small group had a brunch last Saturday with a gift exchange for the kids and a white elephant exchange for the grown-ups. We LOVE our small group and had the best day eating, laughing, eating, and crashing on Steve & Michelle's couch for the afternoon while we continued to eat.

Annie and and her good buddy Dylan. He looks worried.

My white elephant gift. The Survivair courtesy of fireman Steve. It's awesome. However, I am slightly jealous that I didn't get the framed wedding photo of Charles & Diana that Doni walked away with.

Putting on a "little show."

All the kids minus Marcus. Soren is very focused on her lip gloss. Luka seems to have had enough with the whole thing.


Merrihew Few said...

Ahem. Is that survivair coming to our White Elephant gift exchange?

camelita? said...

It may make a reappearance. Jason & Jed would love it, don't you think?

Merrihew Few said...

...or perhaps Casandra ;)

camelita? said...

I felt bad she got it. I think the best was the half eaten snack foods from the car. Or Jason taking your tape measure.